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1. Hello World - Your First App

You will be walked through the steps to create a simple Hello World App. Once you have gone through the walkthrough please read through...

3. Gloria Chinos

Complete the following steps for the case study Complete an IPO Create the Algorithm in Pseudocode Design a suitable user interface...

4. Validation

One of the key components of this course is going to be validating user input. You will need this for SAT’s and SACS. Whilst it is only...

8. Programming Task - Segments

We now have the ability to link if statements to a UI control which is great. Now we are going to learn how to use them with Segments....

9. Loops

1. Pre-test 2. Post-test At the start of the course we talked about repetition structure, this is called a loop. Loops are used when we...

10. Arrays - A basic Introduction

Basic Arrays - ToDoApp This app will have you loading data from an array onto a Tableview. Basic Arrays - ToDoApp - Appending the array...

11. Searching

Now we have our arrays all sorted, we need to be able to search them as part of U3O1-KK07 – techniques for linear and binary searching ....

12. How to do csv in To-Do App

This is a follow-up on the basic to-do list written by Sebastian Hette from theswiftguy youtube channel. You will need to follow the...

13. CSV and Parallel Arrays

Parallel arrays allow us to use different data types in different arrays at the same index. This is useful at times. There are better...

14. XML and Parallel Arrays

I don't have a video tutorial for this, just a .pdf that is taken from iBooks Author that I wrote. I will make a video for this at some...

15. Parcel Delivery App with XML

This app will use XML files to read and write data to the app. There are a couple of things I probably should tidy up, but you get the...


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This site is a collection of resources that I have developed to teach various courses, but specifically VCE Software development. I have uploaded it in the spirit of collaboration and hope that someone finds it useful. 

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